Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Queen of Sheba

From the very beginning of the reading of the Kebra Negast, you get a sense of the importance of Ethiopia. In section 20, "Concerning the Division of the Earth," it is stated that "the Emperor of Ethiopia is the firstborn and eldest son of Solomon." This is after the events in the Queen of Sheba story, but it starts out portraying the significance and then goes into how this came about.

After the merchant Tamrin went to Israel and learned from King Solomon, he desired to go back to Ethiopia. Right at the start we get the idea that Ethiopia is a nice place to be, if he wants to give up all the wonders and riches of being in Israel to go back to it. And when the Queen learns about Solomon, she immediately sees that she must go to him. She is such a good, wise queen that she doesn't hesitate in her conviction of the wisdom of Solomon.

It is written that many others came to learn from Solomon, but that only takes up one line. Through this story it is shown the special attention Solomon gave to the Queen. She was wise, she accepted the word of God, and decided this is the way her country will be ruled from then on. But then, she wished to go back. Again, another person giving up the life in Israel to go to Ethiopia. She learned what she could from Solomon and now wanted to go back to her country and improve it by using what she learned. Israel was the source of the greatness, but it was then passed on to Ethiopia, which was worthy of it.

From reading up on Wikipedia, other accounts, such as that in the Hebrew Bible, do not mention any sexual relations between the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon. The Ethiopian version is unique in that and it presents a very different image. Solomon chose out the Queen, hoping to "give [his] seed in her." He wanted a continuation of his line in Ethiopia and places where his wisdom and belief in God could spread. Ethiopia, therefore, is a very significant place. Solomon sees this in his vision after sleeping with the Queen as well. He see a sun that shines over Israel, but then goes to Ethiopia and "lighted up the country of Ethiopia; peradventure that country shall be blessed through thee; God knoweth." From this story, it seems the sacredness of Israel is going to be transferred to Ethiopia: a pretty big deal I'd say. And after the birth of her son, the Queen decrees that women will no longer rule the country, but only men from Solomon's line. The country is ever connected to Israel and this line of men. It is the country that was chosen to carry on Solomon's line and the lifestyle of the faith.

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